Free Halloween Vector File
Happy Halloween Everybody! Download a free Halloween vector file from us!
Get it from our free vector page here, no signup or login necessary:

Freelancer Artwork Design Service
Would you believe this was created through our freelancer service? Something like this can be created for $25 in a couple days. Below is the simple sketch used:

How to get a new image designed
Read the simple instructions given to the artist to create the very cool looking vector file:
ok, please quote to vectorize this image clean, with color where it makes sense (pumpkin should be orange, etc).
Place it on a black background with about 10 simple stars.
Put some simple gradients in the ghost so it is white and light grey.
Write the words “Happy Halloween 2021” above the ghost, in a spooky font.
feel free to make any other changes you think will make it look good.
Copyartwork Freelancer Service
Have your own original design created with our freelancer service! Check out more about it here:
Halloween 2020 post:
Here is our Halloween post from last year:
#freevector #halloweenartwork #halloween2021 #FreeDownload #halloweenvector