Hard-White Knight Who doesn’t like a knight in shining armor? And nothing’s shinier than vector art! With vector art, you can make the image as
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Hard-White Knight Who doesn’t like a knight in shining armor? And nothing’s shinier than vector art! With vector art, you can make the image as
Read more***Hard*** This is considered a hard job this one is done from a customer sketch, our artist vectorized a very well made hand drawing but
Read more***Easy*** Knights Treatment Systems When designs are redrawn, they are easier to look at, which is ideal for logos especially. They also look more professional
Read more***Hard*** As this one has a lot of detail, it was barely able to pass as an $18 “hard” level design. Not only it the
Read more***Custom*** The original drawing in this one is very detailed and has many elements to recreate. The vector outcome is never exactly the same as
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