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This is the typical easy logo you can have vectorized for $14. When we vectorize an image, one of our artists recreate the design in a vector program (Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw). Once it is recreated it will be clean and professional looking as seen below.

Images of this complexity can be done for the standard $14 “easy” charge. If you would like your artwork redrawn in the vector format please sign up for a free account and upload your file at our website: CopyArtWork Signup Page Designs of this complexity can be done for the standard $14. If you would like your artwork redrawn in the vector format please sign up for a free account and upload your file through the “Vectorizing” section on our website: CopyArtWork Signup Page

Also if you would like to Sign Up for a FREE ACCOUNT where you can submit artwork to be vectorized , please feel free to check out this link. Sign Up

Sign Up For A Free Acccount

You can upload a quote for a speedy and efficient process here: Here (no account required). .

You can find other photo-to-vector samples here on the blog. Please browse through our website to take a look at different photos and drawings we can and have done before and get an idea of how they turnout.

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