Custom Odd Cars Here are some old and pretty cool vector conversions. Click the image to get a better look, you’ll need to to see
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Custom Odd Cars Here are some old and pretty cool vector conversions. Click the image to get a better look, you’ll need to to see
Read moreEasy – Departement of Environmental Protection Another vector conversion sample of a simple logo. Vectorizing images is not only good for printing purposes, but it
Read moreEasy Esperanza Staff In this example, the customer has asked the artist to add the word “Staff” in the same style as “Aztecs”. Yes, we
Read moreCustom William Here is a sample of a vectorized photo of a person in simple black and white. The artist has recreated it to be
Read moreVector Logo – Grady White The vector format is limited in certain effects, such as the beveled shiny gold look of this one. However, our
Read moreCustom BT Car Vectorizing of vehicles/cars will often take the artist longer to create, and the price depends on the detail involved. Once the design
Read moreEasy Ricbuilt On this one the customer asked for the logo to be recreated with a “Bronze” color rather than the “Silver” or “Metal” look
Read moreCustom Bonnie Lake Here is another example of a painting redrawn in the vector format. The artist has used a combination of complex gradients in
Read moreEasy Vector images do not only look better and cleaner than pixel based images, but also can be very print friendly for various reasons.
Read moreCustom Flower Art Drawings and paintings will look different once redrawn in the vector format due to loss of detail and limitations of the vector
Read moreEasy Hot Shots Tattoo It is not common, but we do occasionally get requests to vectorize tattoo designs. Why would someone want their tattoo as
Read moreCustom CAT Tractor CONVERT VECTOR As you can probably tell by viewing out blog, tractors are a popular subject for vectorizing. This one was vectorized
Read moreFestival advertisement poster Arnold Classic RASTER VECTOR The “Gold” color is not available in the vector program, however, an artist can use 2 or 3
Read moreCustom KMK Tractor Images of tractors, trucks, trailers, etc. (emphasis on the “t” in “etc”) are popular subjects for vectorizing. They are mostly used for
Read moreEasy Jog-A-Thon Children’s drawings can be vectorized for printing on shirts, labels, etc. Once vectorized, the colors/lines will be cleaned up to be solid and
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