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Hard-Mayberry Terror

This is a representation of a hard job a photo to black and white vector line art can be done for $18 as long as it is not too detailed.  Notice how the artist captured the general look of the original with the simple black and white vector art.

You can email us the image if you are unsure if it would fall into the $18 category. We have many different levels of pricing so you can always check to see where your art will fall.
If you would like your artwork redrawn in the vector format please sign up for a free account and upload your file at our website: CopyArtWork Signup Page

Sign Up For A Free Account

If you would like your artwork redrawn in the vector format please sign up for a free account and upload your file through the “Vectorizing” section on our website: CopyArtWork Signup Page

You can upload a quote for a speedy and efficient process here: Here (no account required).

You can find other photo-to-vector samples here on the blog. Please browse through our website to take a look at different photos and drawings we can and have done before and get an idea of how they turnout.

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