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Custom-Dorado Fish

Obviously, the vector is the one without the awkward white box around it. Also, notice how the artist has placed a white outline around the vector image. You can request this if placing on a dark background to make the image show up better. Its all part of the service!

beforeafter dorado fish

If you need something with about as much detail vectorized, you should always get a quote and opinion first before proceeding. custom jobs vary in price range due to their level of complexity you should always weigh your design options how much customization you’re looking and you should always look into getting a quote If you would like a quote for your artwork, no matter the level of complexity, please upload a quote request Here (we require no account for this service).

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Also if you would like to Sign Up for a FREE ACCOUNT where you can submit artwork to be vectorized , please feel free to check out this link. Sign Up

You can upload a quote for a speedy and efficient process here: Here (no account required).

You can find other photo-to-vector samples here on the blog. Please browse through our website to take a look at different photos and drawings we can and have done before and get an idea of how they turnout.

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