Custom Here is another awesome vector conversion. When it comes to distortion the vector image will never be completely the same as the original, however,
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Custom Here is another awesome vector conversion. When it comes to distortion the vector image will never be completely the same as the original, however,
Read moreEasy-NET SHAPE Here is another simple conversion from a pixelated image. Remember, since our artists redraw designs by hand, and image can be very pixelated
Read moreCustom Uncle Sam Vector Did everyone hear who won the presidential election? The voters have spoken, and Obama has been chosen. 4 more years… till
Read moreCONVERT BITMAP TO VECTOR LOGO ELECTION CALIFORNIA BEAR LOGO California Voted Artwork turns drawing like your bitmap into vectot logo for you with less
Read moreWe promised good news this week from our facebook page, and here it is. Starting at 5:01PM PST today (a few minutes from now), our
Read moreEASY BOO HALLOWEEN Have your costumes and candy ready for Halloween tomorrow? What about your artwork? It’s not too late, as long as a design
Read moreHard NHHS Todos a una. This dog is ready to dance the flamenco! The hand written wording for the colors aren’t necessary, however, you could
Read moreCustom Huntington Beach Surf City Anyone going to the beach to surf this weekend? We have a lot of surfers down here in Southern California.
Read moreEasy DCP Vectorizing always makes logos look more professional, but in this case I would focus more on how much easier it is on the
Read moreCustom Artwork for Fruit and Vegetable Vectors Aspendale Gardens Veggie Patch Is everyone getting their daily dose of veggies? In this sample you can see
Read moreEasy 360 Safety Since signs should be clear in order to be easy to read, they are a common subject in our “Copy Vector” service.
Read moreCustom Bullet Teeth Here you can see how smoke/fog may look once vectorized. Please be aware that smokiness is another effect that cannot be done
Read moreHard Glac Jet Tech Depending on the detail involved, a photograph can sometimes be done for the $18 “hard” rate with a one day turnaround,
Read moreCustom Cruizes Car Club This one has a nice vintage 50’s theme. As you can see, the original is a bit rough. By having it
Read moreEasy Obama Shirts Here is a collection of images of our current president “Barack Obama” vectorized from shirt pictures. These were done for the standard
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