***Custom*** Here is a pretty awesome looking vector redraw of a bass fish logo. With manageable vector artwork, colors; size; and objects can be manipulated
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***Custom*** Here is a pretty awesome looking vector redraw of a bass fish logo. With manageable vector artwork, colors; size; and objects can be manipulated
Read more***Easy*** A lot of people need their logos/designs vectorized for vinyl cutting. In this case, they will usually need it in as a one color
Read more***Custom*** This truck was redrawn as line art in the vector format using Corel Draw. Trucks and people’s faces are 2 common subjects for “redraw
Read more***Hard*** This customer we used a photograph of a wave and the writing but vectorized it in a completely new way, it looks almost cartoon
Read more***Easy*** In this drawing vector we can assume a talented young student designed the sketch below of the volley ball court, net, and ball. The
Read more***Custom*** Here is a good example of how a picture like this might come out once vectorized. Photo quality images will always look different once
Read more***Hard*** This is considered a hard job this one is done from a customer sketch, our artist vectorized a very well made hand drawing but
Read more***Easy*** The original is a jpg of a picture taken of the logo, and then crudely cropped out.We still managed to clean it up properly
Read more***Custom*** Here is a vintage image we did custom work for, the most noticeable difference is the removal of the clock,per customer request,we added the
Read more***Easy*** In this logotype with the paw and claw marks it is clear (no pun intended) which image is easier on the eyes. With many
Read more***Easy*** Another simple vector conversion before after image, this again shows how we can take a simple jpg image and turn it into a cleaner
Read more***Custom*** For this simple black and white renditions are very common orders with our copy vector service.Most customers typically have these done for vehicles. Usually
Read more***Easy*** In many cases images not only look cleaner once vectorized, but more professional as well. This logo has the kind of look that is
Read more***Hard*** Designs of this sort can be recreated to be very identical to the original since they do not have special effects such as photoshop
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